Standard Package

Standard Package


  • 8900 baht / week
    • 12 group classes + accommodation + unlimited access to weight room
  • 21,900 / month
    • 48 group classes + accommodation + unlimited access to weight room

Our standard package is designed for students training on a budget. Simple, but clean and comfortable rooms.

  • AC
  • Fridge
  • Private bathroom with hot water
  • Free WIFI
  • Few minutes walk from gym
  • Self-catering

Please note:

  • Depending on availability, the time of travel, and the duration of your stay, the package costs may vary. For further information, please contact us with the specifics of your trip itinerary.
  • Prices in peak season (December 21 to January 10) may increase by up to 50%
  • Each room is designed differently, so they may differ from what's seen in the photos

Booking Enquiry

Fill out the form below, and we'll get the best price for your duration of stay